
Friday, December 21, 2012

Watch Out For The Driving Reindeer

Rocking Reindeer Math
We worked in groups to solve addition and subtraction equations.  The equations were then sorted under the correct reindeer number.  Students finished by writing down their equations.
(So don't believe them when they said they didn't do anything today!)

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winnie the Pooh? No, Penguin!

Toby’s mom brought in a special guest from the Baltimore Zoo, Winnie the penguin. 
We learned that African Penguins don't like the cold weather and snow.  They would rather be on a warm beach (as would we all)!

It was also pajama and movie day!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fourth Little Pig

As a part of our PTD (Primary Talent Development) we built houses for the Forth Little Pig.
Students had an exciting time building their structures!

It was definitely messy but fun:)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Reindeers Wanted

Who wouldn't want to be a reindeer?
We brainstormed the skills and talents needed to be a reindeer for Santa.
Then, students completed an application for a reindeer position opening up at the North Pole. 

Finally, we made our noses LIGHT UP! 

How adorable:)

The Bell Rings

Polar Express
The Polar Express goes down as an all time favorite for me.  I just love the illustrations, words and message of the book.
I try to infuse that love to all of my students by making a "Polar Express Train".  The children earned a ticket to get on the train.  Then they listened to the story.  Afterwords, we sequenced the events that took place in the text.  I hope the class enjoyed it as much as I did!


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gingerbread Baby

We read Jan Bretts' wonderful book "Gingerbread Baby".  Then, students sequenced the story from beginning, middle and end.  They put all the pieces together to make their own gingerbread book.