
Saturday, September 29, 2012

In Other News...

Ms. Lahey's dog Mac continues to cheer for the O's!
Hopefully there are some fellow Giants fans out there!  Probably not :)  But, I can be easily persuaded to cheer on the Ravens as well.

Truffula Trees
Keeping with our Dr. Seuss themed classroom, some trees have sprouted up!

Math Madness

Unit 1 Investigations: How Many of Each?

Roll and Record
Students roll the dice and add up the numbers.


October Newsletter

*As the weather gets chillier, we still anticipate going outside for recess.  Please send in your child with a jacket/sweatshirt/coat, weather permitting.
*Each child should have a smock for art class.
*Mystery Readers and Volunteers schedule have started.  Please check the calendar to see if your date is coming up!

Upcoming Dates/Days Off
*October 19-Day off for students
October 22-Star Lab at school: students will learn about constellations and stars
October 31-Halloween celebration at school (costumes worn in the morning)

A Peek At Our Weeks
Math: We are coming to the end of Unit 1 in our Math Investigations program.  We anticipate switching for math starting early October.  More information will be forth coming.
Language Arts: Our upcoming theme is "how people and things grow and change".  We will work as a whole class and in small groups to reinforce comprehension skills such as: identifying beginning, middle and end, sequencing events, comparing and contrasting, and text to self connections.
Phonics: We will continue to identify short and long vowel sounds as well as blending words in order to become better readers and writers.

Johnny Appleseed's Birthday

Making Apple Sauce

This week we learned about John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed).  We found out that he walked around the Ohio River Valley planting apple seeds.  AND he was always BARE FOOT!


We also spent the week discussing prior knowledge and new learning about apples.  
    Determining Main Idea and Details

                     Mosaic Apples

              KWL Chart On Apples

Making Math Connections


Trekker's Adventures

Trekker spent his first weekend at home with Toby.  They had a wonderful time together.  Toby had an opportunity to meet Jack Hanna.
Jaylin and Trekker spent the weekend together playing games and going to the park.  Jaylin had a beautiful illustration to share with the class about their adventures.