
Friday, October 26, 2012

pumpkin run

Run Run…as fast as you can!
We've been preparing a long time to run our race.
 The girls lined up!
 The girls at the finish line.
 The boys lined up!
Tommy in the lead.
 Girl's Start
Boy's Start

Pumpkins Galore
We charted what we knew about pumpkins (previous knowledge) and then listed new facts we learned about pumpkins, using the pumpkin chart paper.
We also read about the life cycle of a pumpkin.  The students then matched up the correct sentences to the pictures and sequenced it on a sentence strip. 
  We read two different stories, Pumpkin Pumpkin, and Its Pumpkin Time.  Then we compared and contrasted the two books using a Venn Diagram.
Pumpkins Pumpkins Pumpkins!

The students wrote 3 new facts they learned about pumpkins.  Then they assembled their own pumpkin diagram.  We discussed how diagrams help us learn about something using labels and pictures.
*The students LOVED seeing that people use giant pumpkins as boats!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Star Lab
Baltimore County offers a great space program that comes right to school.  We spent the day reading and learning about space.  We were then able to go to the lab and check it out!

About to go in...they were so excited!

Inside the dome looking up at the stars.

A Little Taste of Baltimore

Baltimore Aquarium
I JUST found out that aquarium tickets are 12$, TWELVE DOLLARS, on Friday nights.  If you are like me and enjoy going to the aquarium but find it very expensive (especially for a family) this is a great opportunity to go.  The animals and sea life were very active!

They also let you in to watch the dolphin training.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Ice Cream Sundae Fun-day

Banana Split Main Idea and Details

Inform, Entertain, Persuade

We read, There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves, so we could discuss an author’s purpose for writing a story/book.

Little Investigators

Unit 2 of Investigations, Making and Designing Shapes, is up and Running!  The students have been identifying shapes and describing their attributes.  They have also been using designs and shapes to reinforce special recognition.


Adventures with Trekker

Diego had a low key weekend with Trekker.
Trekker and Josh spent the night at his Grandmother’s house.
Aidan and his cats played with Trekker all weekend.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

In honor of a "day off" from school!

Enjoy the day!
Sometimes it's in a teacher's nature to repeat the famous "Bueller, Bueller....Bueller"when you get blank stares from your students.  Unfortunately, most of my first graders don't get the reference.  But in memory of a great movie, and a reminder to always enjoy the day,
I found this and had to share.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What we've been up to this week...

Story Structure
Who doesn’t love the Wizard of Oz?
Ms. Lahey used the Wizard of Oz to model characters, setting, problem and solution.
Students were then able to complete their own story structure charts about their leveled reading books.
Falling for Autumn

While packing up, students worked diligently on coloring and cutting a scarecrow to put on their lockers.

Crazy for Centers

Our classroom literacy centers are up and running! 
When students are finished with their "must do" seat work, they are allowed to go to their assigned center for the day.
 Writing Center: students work to complete creative writing assignments.  They are encouraged to use their dictionaries as well as proof reading their work.
 Phonics Center: students will complete games/activities to reinforce phonics skills such as beginning, middle and end sounds, digraphs, segmenting and blending words.
Reading Center: students will have the opportunity to find a book (right at their level:not to hard not to easy) and read quietly.  Ms. Lahey goes to the public library and gets about 30 books (every 3 weeks) to put in the classroom reading center.
 Word Work Center:  each week there will be a "word of the week".  Students will practice writing the word, cutting and gluing it in the correct order and using the word in a sentence.  Because we will be going to star lab this month, all of the words/books are about space and constellations.
Poetry Center:  Students will read and glue a poem into their notebooks.  They will then complete an activity related to the current poem.
*Some centers contain writing pieces which go home with students each day.  These papers will not be graded and sometimes are not completed due to time limits on centers.