
Sunday, May 5, 2013

In Other News...

Let’s Go O’s
We earned our compliment popcorn party!
(and watched a video about plants)

Mac is enjoying the beautiful weather outside!
I’ve been taking advantage of the farmers market (under 83’s overpass).  I highly recommend going if you haven’t been before!


Seeds, Seeds, Seeds

The students read about what four things most seeds need in order to grow, from their Scholastic News.  They also answered questions about vocabulary words related to seeds/gardening.
Then students planted seeds outside with Ms. Lahey and put seeds inside a bag with Ms. Carr.
Reading the Scholastic News Together

 Working on their independent work.
 Planting the seeds in dirt.

 Putting the seeds in bags so we can watch them grow.


Math Patterns

Unit 7: Math Patterns and Skip Counting
We focused a lot on patterns with shapes and number connections to those patterns.  Students were able to abstractly look ahead to see what would come next (or even further) in the pattern.


Field Trip to the Vet!

We had a great time walking down to the Vet's office.  The students were able to listen to the heart beat of a dog and cat, look at x-rays, investigate ear mites under a microscope and examine an operating room.
Unfortunately I was only able to travel with one group but everyone had a blast.

 Looking at an ultrasound.
 Listening to heart beats

 Trying on x-ray equipment.

Touching a fatty tumor removed from a dog.

An Egg is Quiet

We read an egg is quiet.  The students compared and contrasted similarities and differences between eggs.
Georgina brought in egg shells!