
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March News Letter

Upcoming Dates:
MSA: March 5-March 14 Our daily schedule changes according to the needs of testing arrangements.
March 17: St. Patrick's Day!!
March 25: Maryland Day
March 28 Friday: Schools close 3 hours early
Keep sending students in with coats/hats/gloves-we will try to go outside as much as possible.
Gym on Wednesday-Everyone needs to wear sneakers!
Please sign behavior chart in the front of homework notebooks each night.
Study spelling words at least 5 minutes a night at home (every night).
We continue to work both in whole group and in small groups to reinforce reading comprehension and fluency skills.  Students are working hard on new vocabulary and developing a paragraph.  We love learning about new animals each Friday which is a great way to access non-fiction information.
Our math mathematicians did a wonderful job on their time, fractions and measurement test.  We are continuing on focusing on missing addends, addition and subtraction in word problems, identifying true or false facts and adding three addends together.  Keep practicing those basic addition and subtraction facts at home through daily homework.

Ms. Lahey's dog Mac thinks he's a human!


We learned all about Narwhals.  They are very interesting creatures with one tooth, sticking 7-10 feet out infront of them.

Students wrote 3 facts about Narwhals and then created their own!


Happy Love Day

Happy Valentine's Day
We had a fabulous Valentines brunch.  Thanks to all the parents that donated money and helped with the party.  Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Kitchel who donated some "last minute" valentines to some of the students.

The students made polar bears, played spelling word bingo(with candy hearts) and even tried fondue with their fruit!
Love all of them!

100th Day Celebration

Our first graders are 100 days smarter!  We had a special 100 day snack and make towers out of 100 tooth picks and marshmallows.  I love incorporating math and science into parties.



Guided Reading

Students continue to work in small groups reading and writing at their appropriate level.  They get a lot out of learning new vocabulary, reading fluently and applying their comprehesion skills to the text.


Aquarium Field Trip

We all had a fantastic time on our field trip.  The students enjoyed exploring and discovering all the aquarium had to offer.  There was so much to do and see!
 Ava, Alex, Isabella and Hannah enjoying themselves.
 Some of the boys listening to a presentation on turtles.

 Khalid, Johnny, Nick and Gus with Mrs. Shaw!
 Checking out some Marine Facts!
 My good listeners:)
Yay for field trips!  Can't wait for the next one.