
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April News Letter

April Showers Bring May Flowers
Upcoming Dates
4/9-Bilingual night 6:30-8:00pm
4/12-4/21-Spring break J
Please send your child in with one toy or stuffed animal(no more).
Jackets and sneakers everyday-we are practicing our run at the end of recess.
Practice spelling words every night/please sign behavior chart in the front of your child’s homework notebook.
We having been working on addition, subtraction and word problems as well as patterns, ordinal numbers and skip counting.  Unit 8 will consist of numbers to 100 and beyond.
Unit 4 reading is all about Amazing Animals.  We will be spending our time reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts based on animals.  We continue to spend time in small groups practicing reading comprehension and fluency.  We are also building up our writing skills in order to complete a paragraph.
Grammar and Spelling
Ms.Stotz (our student teacher) has been working with the students on a combination of grammar and spelling.  We practice our spelling words twice a week.  The students have been learning about nouns, verbs, adjectives, homophones, compound words and most recently synonyms.

Orioles Opening Day

You know its spring when baseball season starts up again!
It was baseball "time" in our classroom.  Students matched up analog and digital times.

Students also practiced addition by playing "strike me out roll and add"


Shared Reading

Unit 4 Reading: Amazing Animals
We are all excited that our new unit is all about animals.  Now we can talk about them EVERYDAY!

We worked in collaborative groups to identify reasons why our story How Bat Got Its Wings was a folktale.

Animal Friday

We continue to learn about different animals around the world!

We learned about Koalas!  They carry their babies in a pouch and like to sleep a lot.
We also learned about Kangaroos!  They can jump REALLY high and have huge feet.

Repeating Patterns

Our mathematicians are hard at work making their own repeating pattern.  They make a unit (base of the pattern) and continued by repeating the shapes.


Top O' The Mornin' To Ya

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone
We wore our green and wrote how to catch a leprechaun.


Shake Breaks!

Sometimes we just need to get our WIGGLES OUT!
We love to dance along and move together.